Tuesday 30 June 2015

Yoko Oh No

Yoko has a one woman show at MOMA right now. And one part of the exhibition was a load of black bags hanging on the wall. The idea being that anyone seeing the show was invited to get in these bags and lie on the floor in 'em on a platform, making different poses - thereby becoming 'part' of the show - living art as it were - load of bollox intit? But I loved John and so if he loved Yoko - well then I do as well. But it has to be said they've done all this lot before years ago, when they gave a whole press conference from inside a bag - their theory being that, if you can't see the colour of someone's skin or the length of their barnet, that you might take their ideas and theories more seriously. Anyway I think it's really nice in this day and age that Yoko is into recycling.

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