Tuesday 30 June 2015

I'll have a Lager(feld)

We're now staying at our favourite place in the whole wide world - The Mercer - as we are both star f*ckers from way back. And The Mercer is the bestest place to see them because the paparazzi aren't allowed in. See Karl Lagerfeld here on Nigel's right shoulder. He and his entourage were there pretty much all day and all Karl had was a diet Pepsi and a piece of watermelon. That same day Nigel came down in the lift with Kate Moss and I saw Kirsten Dunst slip between two floor boards, she was that thin. Another time we came in after a rollacking night out on the town and watched Sean Penn for a while, holding court with a coterie of 16 year old girls - one of which was hanging onto his hand for all she was worth - or maybe for all he was worth. At varying times, we've seen Malcom Gladwell, the Olsen twins, Lynsey Lohan, Seth Rogan, Keanu Reeves, Brad Pitt (very tall/very thin) Anthony Hopkins, Janet Jackson, Tom Ford, Rod Stewart (who fell over a chair), Cameron Diaz and this morning Nigel shared breakfast with Meg Ryan. I was late coming down and I missed her which was a shame, as I really wanted to have another good look at that terrible trout pout she's had and see how she manages a bagel with it.

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