Sunday 14 June 2015

Killer Jewels.

It's downright hateful to be told on every US menu how many calories are in every morsel you shove down your neck. A Sante Fe salad AKA bits of shredded chicken and torn lettuce was a whopping 650 calories and the bacon club only 750 - can that be right? Anyway by my reckoning (sharing with Nigel) I had 1 quarter of the club - so what's that - 750 divided by 4 - that's 350 plus 25 equals 375. Plus I possibly had about a quarter of the salad so that's another 325 divided by 2 - let's call that 150 shall we. So that's a grand total of 525 calories or thereabouts. Now that seems a lot to me for what seemed like a paltry lunch. Can you imagine what's happening in Macca's? And as for Starbucks - 1 strong hot chocolate with whipped cream - f**********ck forget about it. The calories that is.

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