Monday 22 June 2015

Palm sugar

I was off the lead this morning as Nigel was photographing some bits of dust on the road or something as critical as that anyway. With this liberty ahead of me I decided I'd get my palm read. I know it's a load of bollox but these women are set up on the side of the street so it's real easy to slide into the chair and let them have a go. First off she said that I had the longest life line she'd ever seen and I would live until my late 90's - though my hair and teeth might not make it that long. She said I was highly creative and would never have any money worries (nice one) that I had 3 children (plus she qualified that, by saying they may not all be my biological children) and that from those said children, I would get 7 grandchildren (I already have 2 from Seb so that's 5 to go - I've asked Abbey for 4 so that leaves Finlay with an only child?) Plus she also said the relationship I'm in now will last forever though I will most likely outlive him (sorry Sam I mean Nigel).

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