Thursday 25 June 2015


I think I am one of the only women on the planet that hates the sales with a passion scarcely human. All my friends get so excited when they arrive somewhere and the sales are on. Not me, my heart plummets when I hit a new town and realise that I've arrived at that point in the season, especially the summer season. I look terrible in summer clothes - too many colours, too much flesh on show and all the fabrics are too flimsy. Ideally I like to be rugged up, all in black with tights, boots and a jacket to top it all off. I also feel like sale mostly means a load of rubbish clothes they've either had out the back for decades or they've actually shipped them in specially from somewhere like Levin. The sale I do love having said all that, is the one when you've decided to buy something not even knowing there is a sale on and then when you get to the counter, they say a price a lot lower than you think and when you look confused, they say - that's got 25% off. Now that's a sale :)

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