Tuesday 16 June 2015

Retail Therapy.

How often does a girl go anywhere and not find anything to buy? So... 5 hours out of Yosemite - we hit Carmel - a teeny tiny coastal Californian town worthy of framing - seriously the prettiest, sweetest place in the whole world. Think Disney meets Hobbiton and you're somewhere close. As we drove up through the tiny winding streets. My mouth literally started watering (as did Nigel's eyes) at the damage I could do here. Surging forward eagerly to the first shop, I was literally winded by the ugly arse merchandise. The first slap in the face was a clothes shop selling suede, fur and leather - each piece surely designed as get ups for Liberace to go on stage in. Invited to try one on, I actually did find myself fluffing my hair a little and mouthing a few lines of Begin the Beguine. They were very suspicious when I did not cough up the readies for the white leather jacket, especially when I took some shots of it with my phone - I'm sure they thought I'd flown in from Stansted to scope out the next Andrew Lloyd Webber. Next door was a life size china dolphin, perfect for the master bedroom and an ocean wave made entirely out of cut glass. Both of which I tried to photograph but was politely shown the door. As I headed up the street to look at the hand made shoes - and I mean hand made by actual elves - I could see the two shop keepers with their heads together making a note of my vitals so they could get a photo-fit around the town asap.

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