Sunday 5 July 2015

The Weird and The Wonderful...

The gatekeeper of Jurassic Park gives Nigel a keen once over.

These were just sitting here - however hard we tried, we couldn't get one in the car though. 

Worst meal of the trip - Monument Valley - beautifully matched with the pretend wine.

Best new 'side' - Cane & Table - New Orleans - fried corn.

Presumably to go with the huge asses?

Bourbon cowboy.

 Monument valley hotel - aptly named The View - Dawn and everybody is up.

Tiffany at Monument Valley.

World's smallest gate lounge - Santa Fe.

Anna Wintour in Stella McCartney - New Orleans.

Best doughnuts in the world - Cafe Du Monde - N'Awlins.

Best sides ever - Galatoire's - N'Awlins.

Club foot anyone?

The Missssssssssissssssssssippppppppi.

Claire of Soniat House.


Selfish use of the beach - Miami.

Astro - naught.

The Coloured House.

The spot where the dream began.

Muscle Men - NYC.

Urban Cowboy - Times Square.

Suburban Cowboy.

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