Thursday 2 July 2015


I am a serious fan of Starbucks and maybe it's because I don't drink the cawffee? Although of late, I have been trying my hardest to. Not drinking coffee is a serious social black hole because every man and his dog drinks coffee, don't they. I have been advised to try mocha or as someone I know puts it, as she delivers it to me - my training cup, but even that I find hard to swallow. My tipple of choice is hot chocolate and at that Starbucks excels. Every now and again I try to go cold turkey and give it up. I usually manage about 2 days, 3 if I'm really committed but by day 4, I usually manage to convince myself that a lot of sugar is actually beneficial to me, plus I'm a right miserable little git without it, so I never stick out the requisite 2 weeks or whatever it is to overcome the need. Apparently the average sugar consumption for most folks is 22 teaspoons a day (blimey). But DON'T PANIC it's all ok because I never add sugar to my hot chocolate.

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